Online Demo on Filing of Tax Return - Individuals

Step 3: Sign and Submit - Sign by you and your spouse with eTAX Password/MyGovHK Password/Digital Certificate/"iAM Smart"

Your spouse has to sign the return also, if:
-   You and your spouse wish to elect for Joint Assessment/Personal Assessment jointly with your spouse; or
-   Your spouse wishes to nominate you to claim the deduction for Home Loan Interest

   Select spouse's signing method

   Spouse's signing method 1: Sign by eTAX Password

   Spouse's signing method 2: Sign by MyGovHK Password

   Spouse's signing method 3: Sign by Digital Certificate

   Spouse's signing method 4: Sign by "iAM Smart"

   On eTAX screens:

   Screen 1

   Screen 2

   A 4-digit identification code (e.g. 1234) will be displayed on the eTAX screen

   Screen 3

   On "iAM Smart" mobile app:

   Please scan the QR code on the eTAX screen, check the information of the signed documents and sign.

   Self signing after spouse has signed